Monday, July 25, 2011


We had a fun spontaneous weekend with 2 sets of Jaegers up at their family camp a few weeks ago. We joined Dan/Stacie/Ava/Loralei and Tom/Sara/Lydia for a weekend at the lake with fishing, swimming (or in Evan's case, observing from the dock), kayaking, biking, laying out, campfire and smores and lots of fellowship!

Jack caught his biggest fish to date! Dan got him "hooked" our first trip up to the lake 3 years ago and it's been a growing obsession ever since.

Jack and I got away to kayak together when Evan was down for a nap. It was so peaceful paddling into the coves and over the shallows of Loon Lake. When he woke up, we brought Evan down to the water. Evan was hysterically laughing, watching Ava jump off the end of the dock. We eventually tricked Evan into the water with a ball of course! He wasn't thrilled but he sucked it up just long enough to get the ball and go back to the dock over and over.

Evan had a great time playing with the other kids. They played with chalk, frisbees, Clip Clop (the spring horse), and chasing and rough housing.

We are so grateful for their hospitality and generosity inviting us each year. It's always a good time!

1 comment:

  1. Jen, Jack, Dan, Tom and all others involved. I can't tell you how jealous I am. Many moons ago now I got to spend a long weekend with Dan and a few other Jaegers up at the family cabin. It was an awesome time. - I think the leaves were starting to change color a bit compared to the pictures I see here. - Jack nice bASS!
