Friday, April 17, 2009

We're pregnant!

Hello to anyone checking out our blog. I decided to start this blog to keep out of town family updated throughout the pregnancy of our first baby, and of course to continue to update them as the little one grows up!

I'm just about 14 weeks now, and the news is finally making its way around! We told Jack's family last weekend (Easter) and my parents the following Monday, and my sisters the next night. A few friends have heard by now, so I'm sure the news will begin to carry itself!

So far this pregnancy has been pretty easy! No morning sickness, just a few occasional minimal symptoms including slight nausea, food aversions, dizziness - all of which seem to have passed by now. Still haven't gained any weight, but I'm sure that won't be the case for much longer! The cravings have been kind of crazy at times! Here is what I've gone through so far: Sour Patch Kids, egg salad, soup, Pizza Hut breadsticks, eggrolls, steamed veggies, bagel & cream cheese, OJ, subs...

We were blessed to be able to take a babymoon to Ireland recently. It was a great "first" family vacation! I had no issues with all the traveling, and we got to see a TON! Jack blogged the experience on his own blog at, and I posted pictures at

Stay tuned for more updates!


  1. Yah! We are so excited for you guys!

  2. Jen - you better give in to that Boston Cream Donut craving! If you wait too long, you'll end up going nuts and eating a dozen of them! (Remember Ginger and the one pound bag of peanut M&Ms?)

