Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Christmas Blur

What a whirlwind it has been since I last posted! We have been up to a lot! I think it started with Jack's company holiday party a week before Christmas. My niece Erika graciously tagged along to take care of Evan so he could meet some of the Fingerpaint folks he hadn't met yet.

Immediately following was a visit from the in-laws for the weekend. We were supposed to go down to PA for an overnight to spend some time with Jack's grandparents and uncles and aunt down there and have our Christmas with them. But there was a huge winter storm that begged to differ. We didn't even get a dusting of snow from it here but there was about 18 inches where we were headed by the time we were supposed to be getting there so it's a good thing we called it off. So we just enjoyed all that extra time having everyone here! Evan was spoiled by all the extra attention (as if Jack and I don't give him enough!) as well as spoiled with all his Christmas presents from that part of the family! He got some stylish new clothes, a stuffed penguin and a Baby Einstein jumper seat.

We recouped the Monday before Christmas and on Tuesday we enjoyed a visit from Auntie Tara and Uncle Dan and meeting friend Alex (A-bomb), and of course Lorraine! Evan showed off some smiles and snuggled for a bit. My parents flew in from Florida on Wednesday and we picked them up from the airport. Evan showed off some smiles and coos but by the time we were heading to the car he was DONE with the carrier. He had been strapped in for a few hours now since we had done some errands before the airport. He was also a bit hungry at that point and he just screamed and cried the whole snowy ride home, including the highly needed stop at the gas station (poorly timed!). But once we got him home and fed and changed he was a new man and enjoyed grandparent snuggles.

We also enjoyed a visit from Auntie Leah! And Evan must have some freaky intuition because the two of them matched!

We had a relaxed and laid back Christmas Eve all together and went to the candlelight service that evening, as always. He was quite a dapper gentleman for the occasion (just ignore the clashing socks)

We came home to a delicious ham dinner (thank God for time-bake!). And finished off the evening with the traditional viewing of It's a Wonderful Life. My parents went to bed shortly thereafter and Jack and I stayed up for the McDade tradition of Christmas Eve present time. Didn't take long for the two of us to open each others' presents but it was special. Jack spoiled me and got me Celtic Woman tickets! We'll even be sitting in one of the semi-private boxes up on the side! I'm going to feel so fancy.

Evan missed out on the Christmas Eve opening being that he has fallen into his own little schedule and bedtime is around 9:30! So we did his presents in the morning. Since he has no idea what's going on, Jack and I split his gift budget and shopped for him without telling what each other got so at least someone would be surprised with it! I got Evan some books and the Baby Einstein one immediately drew him in. Jack got him some sweet new clothes: a flaming shirt that says "Turbo", a "My Mom Rocks" shirt and one that has the definition of "awesome" on it - a tribute to our favorite show How I Met Your Mother. My parents enjoyed the spectacle. We did our own stockings (and Santa even brought stuff for Mom and Dad's stockings up here!) and had some giggles about some of the Stannard traditional stuffers.

We cleaned up and headed over to Ginger's house to have Christmas with the rest of the extended Stannard clan. Mom and Dad got Tiffany and Evan some Santa/Mrs Claus outfits and we only got about 100 pictures of it!

We also got the wonderful news that Sabina and Steve are having a baby! This is the first great-grandchild for my parents which also makes Ginger a grandmother! Not to mention me - a great-aunt! Ahhhh! She's due in late June/early July and will hopefully find out soon if it's a boy or girl!

I can't believe Christmas has passed so fast but we're looking forward to vicariously living through Evan with all the anticipation of Christmas as a child in the years to come.

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