Wednesday, January 27, 2010

45 minutes

I could almost set a clock by Evan's naps. Almost always 45 minutes on the dot. Sometimes shorter, rarely longer. Yet he's never quite as rested as he wants to be when he wakes up. He's ready for another nap within an hour or less sometimes, but I can hardly ever keep him awake longer than 2 hours. Sometimes he'll doze a little longer if I put lovey across his face and his pacifier back in his mouth. But he'll almost never sleep straight through without rousing. He used to! But he'll take 4 or 5 45-minute naps (sometimes with an extra doze tacked on the end) each day. I would love to try to consolidate them down to 3 longer naps (so I can nap too!) but doesn't matter what I try, nothing works! I've tried keeping him awake until he's falling over asleep sitting up and I've tried putting him down at the first hint of tiredness. I've tried the swing, his crib, my arms, his carrier. I've tried darkening his room and leaving him in the bright living room. I've tried adding white noise, silence, and keeping it loud. I've tried shedding layers to cool him down and bundling up to keep him toasty. I've tried his goodnight routine. I'm open to suggestions...

Oh, and this is just for naps. He's a fantastic sleeper at night - most of the time going from 9ish-5:30, quick feed, and back to sleep until 8ish.


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