Wednesday, April 21, 2010

6 months!

Evan is 6 months old today! It has flown by, but it also feels like forever ago that we were in the hospital waiting and waiting while he took his precious time. Probably because he's grown and developed in leaps and bounds in such a short amount of time. He's gone from totally helpless to this little person with a will of his own who likes to sit up, play with toys, clap, giggle, gives out lots of smiles, and eat (semi)solid foods!

So what have I learned about Baby sleep, or Evan sleep in particular in the last 6 months? NOTHING. Every time I think I've got a piece of it figured out he changes things up on me. 98% of his naps are still 45 minutes tops. Some days he takes 2 naps, and others he'll take 4. Bedtime is anywhere between 7 and 8 now. Wakeup time is anywhere between 6 and 8. Sometime he'll last 1 hour between naps, and other times almost 4 hours or more. Nighttime sleep is slightly more predictable, although the last week he's woken up crying a few times before his late night snack. That kid sure keeps me on my toes. I've learned to work around it for the most part.

No teeth yet, and it seems like no teething pain for the time being. Hasn't stopped the drool from pouring forth and hasn't stopped everything he can get his hands on (including his hands) from going into the mouth!

It's exhausting work keeping up with him sometimes, but completely worthwhile. I have loved learning every little thing about him, and then relearning when he decides to change things up.

After his bath last night I brushed his hair backwards and looks like the mohawk is back!

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