Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Mothers Day

What a wonderful Mothers Day. It started with accidentally sleeping in. I've had a noisy box fan running in our room so I could start sleeping through the night. I determined that Evan didn't need a 4am feeding anymore when he started wetting through his overnight diaper and pj's. I tested it out one night and when I got up at 7:30am not being able to hear Evan at all during the night and he was still asleep until 8 AND woke up in a good mood and not ravenous, I felt good about my decision. Well on Sunday morning Jack and I overslept until 9am! We woke up to the doorbell with my parents stopping in. Their power had gone out and they tried to call to see if they could kill time and finish getting ready at our house before church. I'm not sure how long Evan slept or just sang contently in his crib during the morning. There's a chance he did actually sleep that long since he stayed up late playing with Aunt Beth and his cousins the night before while Jack and I went on a date!

The wonderful day continued as we went to church and had Evan dedicated. They do a child dedication every year on Mothers Day and there's always one kid... ...one kid that would rather not be held up in the air by Pastor Bruce. Well Evan was that kid! Fortunately he didn't cry, but he made a few discontented peeps in his superman pose. I was thrilled to be standing next to my sister Beth while her daughter Tiffany was dedicated. And also thrilled to have my parents and my sister Jeannine and her gang all there for it. My mom even sang a song she wrote with the worship team for the occasion.

We came home and had the whole family over to celebrate Mothers Day. Matt & Ryan's girlfriends even joined us for the occasion. I was kinda banking on it being a nice weather day and enjoying the deck that Jack and I powerwashed, and continuing on to the park. But alas, it was only 46 degrees so it was an indoor party. We "snuggled" around the dining room table for our indoor bbq. Mom brought an old VHS from 1987 of their 25th wedding anniversary party. It was a scream to watch. We all gathered around and mocked the hair and fashion of the day. Of course no one mocked my cute 4-year old self.

I was so ready for a nap when everyone left.... yes even though I had slept in until 9! We attempted a family nap in our king sized bed, but Evan wasn't digging that idea. I didn't really feel like falling asleep at 5pm either, but it was nice to relax and snuggle all together.

Jack cleaned up everything from the party and then we skyped with Jack's family to wish his mother a happy day! Evan fell asleep in my arms mid-skype at 6:50pm! Poor kid. I roused him at the end of the convo to change him into pj's and the kid got a second wind and ended up staying up until 9! Oh well, he was very cute and then quite snuggly so I didn't mind at all. Jack ordered Papa John's pizza for dinner at my request (I'll take it any chance I can get since they just returned to the area after about 8 years... plus our stove is busted so we can't cook much!). Evan played in his jumper seat while we ate and watched "The Invention of Lying".

It was a wonderful day, lots of family time, and lots of snuggling with my boys. :)

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