Wednesday, June 30, 2010

8 months old!

Ok, so I'm over a week late posting on this, but an 8 month old sure keeps you busy! Evan has mastered the army crawl, and although he doesn't get up on his hands and knees to do it, he has the motions of crawling down. He gets around fast for the slither/swim crawl that he does now! He can sit himself up, as of about a week ago. I was shocked to peak in on him when I thought he was napping and saw him sitting up in his crib! I thought maybe he used the sides of the crib to pull himself up, but later that night he showed off his ability to do it in the middle of the room without anything to hold onto!

He has a killer appetite, especially at dinner. Some days more than others, but he's a good eater! The only thing I've found that he pretty much doesn't ever like is avocado... but he's gotten pickier lately! There was one night where we could only get him to eat oatmeal and it was about 5 little bowlfuls! I've been making most of his fruits/veggies except beans and peas. Just couldn't get the beans to a thin enough consistency for him and he kept gagging. My favorite to make is this yogurt concoction. I throw a bunch of fruit, usually banana, blueberries, mango, and sometimes kiwi and add some plain yogurt and puree it. He seems to love it... and I can't help but finish the leftovers for him sometimes!

He's very vocal these days when we can get the pacifier away from him. I think teething has made him much more attached to it. No teeth have popped through yet! His FAVORITE thing to say is "dadadadada" in all pitches, tones and volumes! He likes to "beebuhdee"... rub his fist against his lips while humming and that's the sound that comes out. Oh, and not just his fist... he'll grab toys, tupperware, kitchen utensils that I distract him with while I'm cooking (no, not knives... wooden spoons, ladels, rubber spatulas). He does utter the occasional "mamama" with his bottom lip tucked in. It's usually while eating.

He's been sleeping through the night for over a month now! It's AWESOME. We've finally established a schedule that he sticks to most of the time. Church days throw us off with a missed morning nap. He wakes up between 6:45 and 7:30, breakfast at 8, nap at 9 for 45 min to 1 1/2 hours, lunch at 12, nap at 1 for usually at least an hour and a half, sometimes more, dinner between 5 and 6, bedtime between 7 and 7:30. While he's up I try to keep him doing different things since he gets bored easily. If the weather is nice, we go on walks, go to the park and use the baby swings. If it's hot enough I'll fill up his little baby pool, but that usually lasts about 15 minutes and he runs out of patience for it! It's cute though, he's really been loving splashing around in it the last few times! He's fascinated with the vacuum cleaner so it's nice that I can do that while he's up! We occasionally suffer from reverse cabin fever when it's too hot or rainy to go outside. Evan is kind of bored of all his toys. But all in all, he's SO fun.

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