Monday, August 23, 2010

10 months old!

My little boy is 10 months old already! He's all hands & knees when crawling now, and man he gets around fast! He pulls himself up like a pro and sometimes when he lets go, he'll hover a little before plopping on his behind. He's started pivoting when sitting up using just his legs. It looks like a little breakdance move! He loves throwing his toys down the stairs. It's pretty funny watching him crawl back and forth to grab a toy and then throw it through the banister slats!

He's understanding more and more. Hopefully getting the hang of the word "no". When he's in the right mood and you ask him for a kiss, he'll come at you with an open mouth until he gives you a kiss! He's adding more and more consonants to his "vocabulary". Dadada is still the most used. He'll occasionally through Daddeeee into the mix. He also likes to say nanana, rarara, and once in a while he'll throw in a mamama.

He FINALLY popped a tooth last week (for my own reference - August 17th is when I first noticed it). He loves feeding himself and has almost completely phased out being fed. He'll still do yogurt for lunch, and maybe 1 or 2 baby food meals in a jar a week for dinner. He loves bagels, macaroni, toast, string cheese, most fruits, and surprisingly canned green beans and frozen peas. He'll eat a little ground beef or chicken. I need to find a way to sneak some more veggies into the mix. He likes throwing his food on the floor with a very defiant look on his face. Drives me crazy! But I think he's still too young to pick a fight with over it.

He's sleeping VERY well these days. He'll still do 11-12 hours at night and now he'll take about a 2 hour nap in the morning and afternoon!

He's getting over his stranger anxiety. He's still a little sensitive if some people make the wrong face at him, but he's doing better at letting other people hold him besides me or Jack.

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