Wednesday, September 23, 2009

37 Weeks!

It's been a busy week! My baby shower was on Sunday as I mentioned in the previous post. I have enjoyed writing the thank you notes on my belly-desk, although it moves sometimes! The furniture arrived so we picked that up on Monday night. And now we're looking at repainting the baby room. The furniture and bedding we picked out goes much better with green than with yellow, so we're going to have a big project weekend between painting and assembling the furniture! I'm so excited for it! It's making everything all that much more real!

I have been loving the hot tub lately (not too hot of course!). The jets in one of the seats perfectly melt away all the back pain of the day, and the weightlessness does wonders for my hips. Nothing new from my appointment yesterday.

We had our last childbirth class last night (next week is infant care). She went over "detours" you can take during labor, including the ultimate detour - c-section. Instead of showing us another gory video, she actually had us do a mock c-section. One of the couples in our class is scheduled for one on Monday because her baby is breech, so she had the husband act as the pregnant woman to give him a taste of what she'll be going through. She picked the wife to be the doctor and had other volunteers for anesthesiologist, pediatrics nurse, and other parts in the play. She had the "patient" lay down on a row of chairs and everyone stand around him with surgical masks on, and walked through all the steps that take place. It was definitely informative and fun at the same time. We're very glad we ended up taking the class. It was so much more than breathing and relaxation exercises. Even the stuff we already knew was good to hear again, and we both learned more. So we'll only be in that building one more time before the big day!

So the little guy is considered full-term as of today. It's so weird to think it could happen any day, but it could also happen 5 more weeks from now!

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