Wednesday, October 14, 2009

40 weeks!

Well, I was hoping to be able to blog about a baby at this point, but also tried to keep in my mind the very good possibility that I would go past due. We are definitely as ready as we'll ever be at this point. I have cooked and frozen anything I could think of. I have stocked the pantry. I have washed all the clothes, including the fresh batch we got from my boss at my former job (THANK YOU!). I have my bag all packed. The carseat is installed and just waiting for a little baby!

I had a midwife appointment yesterday and she said the baby is very low, and that I'm 80% effaced and 2cm dilated. That doesn't necessarily mean labor is on the way in the next few hours/days so they've scheduled me for a non-stress test on Friday where they'll monitor his heart and any contractions Braxton-Hicks or otherwise for an amount of time and see how he does with it. A routine test for overdue babies. If still nothing by Tuesday they'll schedule an ultrasound to check fluid levels. Another routine test. Of course I'm hoping to be able to cancel both appointments!

My body has felt the need to practice very irregular sleep. I actually slept about 7 straight hours last night, which is a record from the last couple weeks. Usually I wake up in the wee hours and go back to bed sometime between 8 and 9 for a couple hours and occasionally have an afternoon nap. I guess it's good practice. Comfort has gone out the window. I do the best I can which involves 2 body pillows and 3 king size pillows at night.

My baby buddy Christie had her baby last Wednesday! Charles Scott was born at 4:15am, 9lbs 2oz, 21 inches! Sam told us the hospital was great (they delivered where we will be) and the staff was incredible, so we were very glad to hear that. We didn't doubt it would be great. We're looking forward to meeting Charles and introducing our little man!

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