Monday, June 22, 2009

Fathers Day

We had a nice Fathers Day yesterday. My parents and my sister Beth and her gang came over for a cookout/eat-in lunch. My sister Ginger stopped by with her gang to say hello. We had some good family time which tired us all out for the afternoon! I'm sure everyone else took naps when they got home... somehow I got through the rest of the day without one!

I had gotten Jack a Fathers Day present a few weeks ago and just couldn't wait to give it to him. I may have lasted a day after I bought it but I seem to remember it was only a few hours. I got him a little Transformers tackle box for when Father and Son go fishing someday. Jack's family sent down a package with a kids pirate book and a t-shirt for him.

Now I'm going to take a moment to be sappy. I just want to profess my gratitude for my amazing husband and father-to-be. He is such a hard worker, pulling extra freelance work which has enabled me to be comfortable at home, and pull in unsteady income. He never hesitates to pick up crazy food for me on the way home from work, or even run back out when he's home. I love seeing him get excited about baby boy. He is so good to me and will be so good to our little boy! I am so blessed to be married to someone I have so much in common with too! We laugh at the same silly things, have fun hanging out with people, or just bumming on the couch watching the latest TV show that we're obsessed with.

Thank you Jesus for Jack and baby boy!!

1 comment:

  1. I did go home and take a nap!

    And I concur, you are blessed!

    Num 6:24-26
